Office Pets

The Kissing Gourami is also known as the Kisser Fish or Pink Kisser.The Kissing Gourami is silvery-peach in color and has thick lips that can be extended or pursed (as in kissing). They are generally a tolerant species, but males may occasionally fight by pressing their lips together i.e., kissing). The weaker of the two will normally back down. They are surface breathers and must have access to the surface of the aquarium. The Kissing Gourami requires a 30-gallon or larger tank, with stones and plants. Plastic plants are best because they will eat most all vegetation in the aquarium, although Java Fern and possibly Java Moss may also need to clean the back of the aquarium because the Kissing Gourami will browse on the algae that is growing there. The
Kissing Gourami is peaceful with other fish of similar size and will tolerate others of the same species. There are no distinguishing characteristics between the male and female, although the female is usually heavier than the male. The Kissing Gourami prefers soft water for breeding and does not build a nest. Lettuce leaves should be laid on the surface for use as spawning material. The eggs will float to the lettuce where the fry will get nourishment from the bacteria and infusoria that is on the lettuce. The Kissing Gourami is an omnivore and requires both algae-based foods as well as meaty foods. An algae-based flake food, along with freeze-dried bloodworms, tubifex and brine shrimp will provide these fish with the proper nutrition.

Lucky was born on Oct. 1, 2003. At the time I went to El Paso Landfield, a person threw the baby kitten in a plastic bag. I almost ran over the bag with my truck but I stopped to see what was in the bag since I heard crying. This kitten was left here to die. It was hot and he had no food or water. I took him home, cleaned him up and he was still bleeding since he was born a few hours earlier. He could not open his eyes, he could not walk. He was very weak. The next day I took him to the vet and he gave him some vitamins. This cat has been very faithful and loyal to me since I saved his life.