New Orleans, Louisiana. The year was 1976. I took a trip to this beautiful city with my teachers from High School and their daughter and son. We drove from Tucson, Arizona. We visited the Mississippi River, famouse historical places, we took the train to go to downtown. We were on spring break and it was a good break from homework. I still keep in toutch with my highschools teachers. Here I learned the great values of life and to be a good person helping others in need. This school besides being a great school also taught us about being a good Christian.
The year was 1975, I was playing the accordian at a school function in Cananea, Sonora. We were celebrating Mother's Day and we had a good turnout at the event. I have been playing the piano and the organ since I was 8 years old. I still enjoy playing the piano and the keyboard. I attended this school named "Secundaria Federal Para Trabajadores". The evening schedule helped me because during the day I was a teacher at an American Private English School. I was teaching 2nd grade and I enjoyed my job and my school. During my teaching, I became assistant pricipal of the school and maintain a straight 4.0 average in my studies. I am proud to be part of this school. I also taught the 5th and 7th graders in short terms. One of my students now is the Governer of the State of Sonora. We are very proud of him (Guillermo Padres).
The year was 1977. I was attending the University of Arizona and during spring break a group of friends decided to take a trip to Northern Arizona and Utah. I had a group of friends from Indonesia. We all lived at the Inernational House in Tucson, Arizona. We were all studying Engineering in Computer Science. We studied together and halped each other in the school work. We made other trips during the year.
During another spring break from college another group of friend drove down to Mexico to Bahia de Kino near the state capitol of Hermosillo, Sonora. These friends are from Japan. We all lived at the International House in Tucson, Arizona. In this photo are Eiji Tomozoe, Yoko Akahagui and Armando Camacho.
The Year was 1977. This is the first year I spent away from home during the Christmas Vacations at the University of Arizona. There are a group of friends residing at the International House. I had friend from all over the world. We were having our Chrismas Dinner. Everybody made a dish from their country and shared it. It was a wonderul experience knowing these friends and sharing international customs.
During our breaks from studying, we would practice singing, I am playing "Besame Mucho" and she is singing to a group of friends. We also went dancing on Friday Nights at local clubs in Tucson. We became good friend and traveled during breaks with a group of friend from Japan. Her ne is Yukie Takemoto. She was also a resident of the International House.
In 1978, a group of friend drove in 4 cars from Tucson, Arizona to Mazatlan, Sinaloa. We spent the entire week in this beautirul port. We had to take some of our homework there and study by the ocean side since the following week was midterm exams. We all found a way to study and help each other in the morning hours so we could go to the differend discos in the city. We enjoyed the hospitality and the warmth of the Mexican people and the great seafood.
This picture was taken on the same trip to Mazatlan, Sinaloa. As you can see we are enjoying the warm weather and sunshine by the ocean side. I had a wonderful time and needed this break so I could continue my studies at the uneversity. Here I met other friend from Tucson and we all had a pleasant time at the different discos and restaurants in the city. It took us about 15 hours to drive from Tucson, Arizona to Mazatlan. We drove straight without stopping anywhere. We all drove, so wee took turns driving. Each one of use would drive for 4 hours and then relax. We had no accidents and the trip was well worthwhile.
This pictures was taken at one of the local Chinese Restaurant in El Paso. In this picture I am over 289 pounds. This year I decided to loose weight by doing line dancing. The year was 2000. I was able to loose 93 pounds just by linedancing in 8 years. Every year I would loose 12 pounds.
During a Summer Vacation, the Chiu Family and me traveled to California from El Paso in this RV. We visited Diana's sister and enjoyed Chinese Food in Monterey Park, California. This was Diana's mom trip. We drove for 12 hours each way. It was vey relaxing in this vehicle. This pictures was taken in 2006 during the fall season.
In the middle 1990's we traveled to Vancouver, B.C., Canada. We visited this beautiful city and enjoyed the great chinese food they have. We took a snowmobile and enjoyed the snow in this cold city. In this picture I was still loosing weight. In the background are Diana Chiu, Pik Kua Chiu and Lorena Chiu